All teams except Grade 6 full, waiting lists started  

All teams except Grade 6 full, waiting lists started  


Anyone signing up from now cannot be guaranteed a spot in a team at MBVFC any more, as the teams are now full in terms of numbers.
Therefore, anyone signing on from now should consider himself or herself to be on the waiting list for a team.
If we manage to make additional teams with more players signing on, then we will try, but we would then also need coaches for these additional teams.
“Fullness” is much more relevant to all Grades from 12 to seniors, as we have to name the teams very soon.
We can wait a lot longer with all grades from Grade 11 and down, as these teams only start playing in early May.
We still expect quite a few players signing on for those younger grades.


Shane – Club Secretary
I will answer
all comments by e-mail.